Wednesday, November 19, 2014

5 Reasons Why Small Boobs are Wonderful

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve surfed through Kate Upton’s Twitter account, stunned by a) her brows (what? Beautiful brows really structure the face!), b) her visage as a collective whole and c) her bust.

I mean, sheez, could those puppies be any fuller or more natural-looking? They’re not so insanely perky and round where you just know she made a resolute trip to the plastic surgery center sometime before her career launched. Nah, on the total Upside (see what I did there?), they look real and gorgeous. If she had surgery, she could’ve fooled me.

One fateful day, after gawking at her cleavage for an unjustifiable time span and wondering how on this precious earth someone could be so #blessed, I had a change of heart. Yes, you read right, a #ChangeOfHeart (over the hashtags now, don’t worry).

Indisputably, we live in a culture where having a bigger bosom is completely overemphasized and weighty (no pun intended) in a woman’s measure of appearance. And you know what? I think it’s high time we minimize this kind of misplaced significance. Because Kate’s double Ds are fabulous, no doubt, but so are my Bs. Here’s a few reminders of why we smaller-chested women have a few perks (pun definitely intended) of our own—and P.S. world, we look just as beautiful.

1. No back probz.

First and foremost, I’m grateful for my physical well-being—specifically, my back isn’t in a constant state of suffering from transporting heavy jugs every day of the week. Kate, you managed to make it look easy when your bikini-clad self jogged on the beach suggestively during The Other Woman. I applaud how well you fare with your heavy workload.

2.  Bras are (sometimes) optional.

Have long hair? B cups or under? Then you, my friend, are eligible for the no-bra option. Seriously, though, when I’m picking up a pizza or making a quick run to the drugstore, there’s really no need for a boob cage if I throw on a sweatshirt and leave my hair down. And no, this is definitely not a Rachel Green situation. I stress the sweatshirt component.

3. Guys aren’t dating me for my bosom.

True, it’s possible for potential suitors to *try* to use me in other ways. But at least this is one thing I can cross off the list. Mild cleavage means modest chest attention, which basically equates to zero concern of too much boob interest.

4. Exercise is a carefree experience.

I shouldn’t use the word “carefree,” exactly, because exercise kind of makes me feel like I want to die. But that’s beside the point. When I decide to go for a run in my neighborhood (which happens once every few years, average), knocker floppage isn’t a concern. Which is lovely in its own right. Small boobs are pretty easy to contain, in case you weren’t aware.

5. Boob sweat is minimal.

Steamy August Saturday? Yeah, small boobs sweat too. Fortunately, though, there’s not too much substance for moisture to collect beneath. The occasional layer of perspiration does indeed make an appearance, but odor is basically non-existent. Do they make boob deodorant, anyway? Mental note: Check Amazon.

Small boobs, medium boobs, big boobs and everything in-between. Every size is delightful, because in perfect honesty, variety is what makes this earth turn. So small-breasted ladies, the next time you’re thinking of buying that extra extra cushioned push-up bra … don’t. Instead, walk right past the bra section altogether, because hello. See number two.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Politcs, Schmolitics

The good Mr. Jim Wojcik is forcing me to write a post concerning politics on this fine, post midterm election day.

You know, I've always wished I was interested in government. I mean, sheezus, the government dictates my career, my rights, my salary, my life. Those are all very good reasons to care about who's in power.

But the truth is, I don't.

I can't bring myself to give a sh*t about the stupid, unabashedly phony back and forth bantering amongst the candidates and the holier-than-thou egos. "Republican Governor Rick Snyder has shown that he puts big corporations and the wealthy ahead of regular people," reads Democrat/former governor candidate Mark Schauer's campaign website. "At the same time, he has put the Michigan Dream at risk, dismantling our public education system, making college unaffordable for many, cutting money for vital services like police and fire departments that keep our communities safe, and removing key protections for our Great Lakes and our other natural assets."

Well, that sucks. But here's what Rick's website has to say: "Just as Rick had a plan for his professional career, he had a 10-point plan for reinventing Michigan: create more and better jobs; leverage our new tax system; reinvent our government; keep our youth -- our future -- in Michigan; restore our cities; enhance our national and international image; protect our environment; revitalize our educational system; reinvent our health care system; and win through Relentless Positive Action. The reinvention of Michigan is a growing success story that's still unfolding. It's already earned Michigan the title of 'Comeback State.'"

So who's right? Who's the good guy? Who's got the better intentions, the creative ideas, the bigger plans, the balls to carry them out?

I don't know, and I don't know who does know. Maybe somebody out there happens to be best buddies with both guys and holds the golden secret to Michigan politics. If you know this person, give me a call. Maybe then I'd be interested in a little chat about government.

But I don't know Mark, and I don't know Rick. Sure, I guess I could research what Rick's accomplished so far. However, there'll be an article saying he's done all the good in the world, and it'll cite all of his deeds in support of humanity. And then there'll be another source that says he's a complete dbag with a comprehensive listing of all the reasons why. It muddles my brainwaves.

I'm already anxious enough about college and my impending graduation/career. I simply don't have the room to stress over politics. I was not informed enough to vote yesterday. I am not informed enough to complain about who's running the country. And I will never be informed enough to engage in one of those wretched political debates people deem "intelligent."

And you know what? That's okay. As far as I'm concerned, my load is much lighter because of it.